Sunday, September 20, 2009

Using Google Calendar

Many of us might have been using different websites doing reminder services, birthday alarms etc.  However, if you have gmail account, you can use Google Calendar.

Even I use google calendar for my reminders.  Be it a credit card pay date, Electricity Bill payment date, friend's birthdays, AMC renewals etc., once added to Google calendar, getting reminders from it is awesome.

Ways google calendar reminds the events:

  • SMS (it works for my airtel number. I have not checked for other operators, but I am sure it works for vodafone, BSNL too)
  • EMAIL 
Recently, google introduced several calendars (like Indian holidays, sports calendars) and you can subscribe them to get notified about the events.
You can go through the guide from google site to know the features and how to use them in detail: link

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