Saturday, September 12, 2009

Backup your PC before disaster..

I know pretty much, how valuable taking backup of your PC often, because once in a while I get to screw my system.  Now, I take backup of my PC every week using Norton Ghost.  So, I thought I can post about how to take backup in a easy, simple, yet effective way.  OK, some may think why should I take a backup?  My system is hale and healthy... Here are the reasons:
--All sick persons were once healthy
--we use PC mainly for internet so it is very much prone to viruses.
--if something gone wrong, you have to install everything from OS to winamp which may approximately takes 8 to 9 hours.
--if you have taken backup using the below steps, you can restore your OS to the date the backup was taken in less than 10 minutes! (Ain't it sweet?)

Those who cannot spend money to buy latest version of Norton Ghost, can download the "Hiren's Boot CD" which contains many number of PC disaster recovery tools INCLUDING NORTON GHOST (dos version).  Download the zip file from here (170MB).

One you have downloaded the file, unzip it and burn the ISO file to a CD using any CD burning software that burn ISO to CD (Nero is one).  This makes the CD bootable with your PC.

Step by Step guide: 

1.  Put the BOOT CD in your CD drive and restart the PC. (make sure your CD drive is the 1st device in the boot device priority in BIOS).

2.  Once the HIREN CD screen comes, Select Ghost.

 3.  Select  Local > Partition > To Image

4.  Select the partition you want to create GHOST image.(Drive C which contains your operating system always be drive number 1)
(PLEASE! make sure you select the partition correctly) **
 5.  Use Tab to move to OK button, Then push Enter.  The software will ask you where to save your GHOST image. (Don’t forget to add file name and type of your file must be *.GHO)
6 : Click Fast to start the process.
7 : Wait until the process finished.
8 : Your Image completed.
Restore from .GHO image
1 : Select Local > Partition > From Image
2.  Find your GHOST image, Then click Open.
3 : Select your destination partition. Click OK
 4. Click Yes to start the process
5.  The process completed. Then, click Reset Computer.

(screens courtesy:

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