Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hindu Rituals and Routines

Good morning guys.. It's early in the morning and I was searching for some e-books.  While a book I happened to see a pdf file which my wife gave me sometime back which details about Hindu Rituals and Routines.

I like this book very much since it covers lot of routines which we do daily WITHOUT knowing the reason why we follow them.

Some of the routines like:

--Why do we ring the bell in a temple?
--Why do we worship tulasi?
--Why do we wear marks (tilak, pottu and the like) on the forehead?

Go ahead and read this informative book and get to know the rituals behind your routines.  Non-hindu readers, please excuse.

Instead of attaching the pdf file, I am providing the link to the file in

File link:  Hindu-Rituals-and-Routines

Note: If you want to download a copy of the file, you need to register in (which is free.).  Go ahead and register yourself, you wont regret.  There are lot of books (legal & illegal) available and might come in handy sometimes (well, often for me :-)).

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