Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Time Pass

Hello friends. Once in a while, everybody gets bored and may want to kill the time. I found couple of websites which may be perfectly suit to that need.


This site has got a huge collection of forwarded mails, interesting mails, photos, jokes etc.  Checkout the "Humor" section to find hell lot of jokes (though some we might have read already).  There are quite a good ones.

Best part it, you can subscribe to get their post in your inbox.  Just add your email in the text box where it says "Subscribe for Daily Time pass Mails" and click subscribe.  If you are willing to share any interesting,fun or time pass emails, please forward to


This is another site like but not very large collection.  Some may be repetitive with the previous site.  But sure this too got some good collections.  In this site too, you can subscribe for their posts to be delivered at your inbox.  (

Enjoy and have fun :-)

Sardar's Flat Screen TV


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