Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Speedup Videos with ByWifi

ByWifi (Video Accelerator)

Nowadays lot of video sharing sites have come up and there are couple which are very popular and widely used for eg.  Youtube, Dailymotion.  I use YouTube regularly to view trailers, jokes, some missed television shows and short films.  Internet bandwidth had improved in the recent days and 2mbps connections are available as common connection speed.  However, when you watch videos in the above said internet video sharing sites, the video loads up very slowly and will not uses the maximum speed available.  This is due to the restriction done at the site which restricts the speed per connection so that many users can connect at a time and all get respectable speed.  But sometimes, this is annoying for anybody who has 2mbps connection and see that video loads up like a crap 128kbps connection. 
This is where "ByWifi" comes to play.  After installation, ByWifi automatically detects web videos and establishes multiple connections to the video file and improves the video loading time to almost 10 times faster.  I have BSNL 2mbps connection at home and with ByWifi I can watch youTube videos without any lagging.
You can download this free software from here.

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