Sunday, October 11, 2009

Greasemonkey + Firefox = Unbeatable

Greasemonkey is an excellent addon which makes Firefox a lot better. Unlike many other addons that let you do one particular thing, possibilities with this one are incredible. Greasemonkey extension lets you add so called ‘user scripts‘ which can add more functionalities or change the behavior of a web page. These scripts let you control any aspect of a web page’s design or interaction. For instance, you can add video download functionality to video sharing site like youtube, OR disable all ads on myspace OR change the appearance of gmail and lots lots more…
So, how does it work?
  • 1. Install Firefox, if you haven’t done it already.
  • 2. Install Greasemonkey. Once done you should see a small monkey face at the right bottom corner of your browser window.
  • 3. Start adding ‘user scripts.’ is a directory currently listing over 2.000.000 Greasemonkey ‘user scripts’. All of these scripts are developed by users themselves. Most of them directed to solve common web problems, i.e. removing annoying ads, adding additional navigation options, and changing the look of the page. Once you’re on you can use their tag cloud box to quickly locate desired scripts. For instace, clicking on ‘myspace’ tag will show get you all scripts designed for myspace.

Some of the userscripts that I use:

1.  YousableTubeFix

Removes ads and unwanted sections (configurable), allows downloading and resizing videos, displays all comments on video page, expands the description, can prevent autoplay and autodownload, adds a HD (High Definition) select, etc...

2.  LookItUp2

Quickly look something up in wikipedia, a dictionary or whatever you like (its easy to add custom sites!). The result is displayed directly on the page.

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