Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blood for life -- (IBD)

One of my friend shared me a article from about a website and the story of the person who operates.  It was quite inspiring and a very useful information. 

This website started by Khushroo Poacha, a civil servant based in Nagpur Maharasthtra. carries a large database about the blood donors in India.  It is quite a good effort and can save (might have already saved many) many lifes.  We might have heard that some people died only because they could find the matching blood for their treatment. Now, with the help of the internet and technology, people can avoid any such tragedy.  When you are need of blood, all you have to do is, go to this website , enter the details and contact information of person in need of blood.  In response, you will get name and phone number of the donor within seconds.

Go ahead and read the full article in rediff here.

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